My latest tidbits

  • Symfonium (and other Apps) on Windows 10

    Requirements: Background: I recently set up my personal music server and library. Screw streaming services, i’d rather buy my music directly. And thus I now had the big problem: How the hell am I going to play my music? Amazon Music and Spotify sure make it convenient… I searched for the best music player for…

  • Shlink configuration with database

    Shlink is really easy to set up quickly. The big drawback of their default docker setup instructions is: everything is gone when the container is recreated i.e. updated. Of course, I like my containers up-to-date, so I use watchtower to automate this. Surprise surprise, all my links are now gone. My fault. After feeling like…

  • A simple docker-compose file for watchtower

    Here is my docker-compose file for the watchtower container. It auto-updates other containers on the host, including itself (but that often fails for some reason). It uses a pre-configured GMail-adress to send notification mails. The WATCHTOWER_SCHEDULE env variable lets watchtower check for updates every day at 03:15.Set the hostname to have a readable hostname in…